Monday, April 26, 2010

Leveling Assembly Model

The leveling assembly drawing was, for the most part, easy. I actually thought it was a little bit easier than the drawing prior to that (below). The most difficult part was threading the adjusting screw component and the hole in the sliding block. It took several attempts to get the coil to stop exactly at the end of the screw and hole. The other parts were pretty simple mostly using techniques learned in chapters 2-9.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Shaft Support Assembly

This drawing was the first drawing that we have done that involves all of the commands and tools we have learned about so far in the book. It was fairly satisfying to finish because this drawing felt more like an actual project than an exercise because of the seperate parts that had to be sketched. The hardest part was getting the bearing to center up with the two threaded holes in the base-plate. It took me a while to figure out why the holes were not lining up, but I eventually discovered that the holes in the bearing were a different distance apart than they were on the base-plase. That being the case, I had to go back and re-adjust the spacing of the holes. Another thing that gave me trouble was the rounded part of the head on the cap-screw. It took me a while to figure out how to get the proper radius and it tooks some experimenting and several wrong radii, but eventually I figured out the necessary constraints to input the proper dimension to the arc. Otherwise, the rest of the drawing process went smoothly.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pulley Drawing

The pulley drawing has markend my completing nearly 3/4 of the Autodesk book. This chapter (chapter 10) has been the most instrumental in presenting me with new features in comparison to other chapter. This chapter introduced me to the mirror feature, the rotate feature, rectangular pattern and circular pattern, linear dimensioning and the pattern option. This also marked the first Inventor drawing that I sectioned. The drawing was somewhat difficult to get through due to the new concepts involved, but it turned out well.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tool Holder

I have finished chapters one through six in the Autodesk Inventor book and I thought it would be appropriate to post the chapter test from chapter six. This design was realtively simple to design. The most difficult part was the hole that goes into the right side of the object. The hole seemed to extrude strangely at first. It was being partially extruded into a perpendicular plane, but there were no indications in the objects dimentions in the book that this was incorrect.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Census information - Campbell High School
The graph below illustrates the unemployment rate among the schools that play Wheeler High School in basketball.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Saddle Bracket

"Saddle Bracket": Chapter 4 Lesson